Monday, May 23, 2011

Cavity.Labs GRAND OPENING @ East Boston Open Studios

Saturday and Sunday May 21 and 22, 2011
This weekend marked the GRAND OPENING of Cavity.Lab, held during East Boston Open Studios. This 2 day event was held during the day, sponsored by Magners with live music by The Newton Trio. The group show was absolutely stunning & cohesive. It made a bold statement about Eastie's artists. 
 This exhibition showcased 13+ East Boston Artists including: 
Brianna Rose Dillman
June Krinsky-Rudder
Neil Wyatt
B. Amore
Terry Scheller
Rafael Ramirez
Sandra Castillo
Traverse Robinette
Leigh Hall
Marie Cornuelle
Dorthea Sierra
We were happy with the turn out and are happy to announce we are officially open for business! 
Please help us celebrate our Grand Opening at the closing reception potluck on May 28th at 6pm with a special performance from 'Untouchable Voices'-
Check out for more information about the artists. 

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